About us

Redefining value investing since 1995

In 1995, a group of 34 investment professionals founded Boston Partners with a simple idea: that undervalued companies with strong fundamentals and positive business momentum have the potential to outperform over time. Today, we manage more than $100 billion across a rand of strategies for clients worldwide. Although we’ve grown, our commitment to that original investment philosophy and process–and to pursuing better outcomes for our clients–is stronger than ever.

Assets under management
as of December 31, 2024

U.S. Equity
$87.5 billion

Global and Non-U.S. Equity
$15.9 billion

Long/Short Equity
$1.1 billion

Total AUM
$104.6 billion

A single, time-tested approach

In our business, consistency is key. That’s why we apply a single investment philosophy to every portfolio we manage, regardless of geography or market capitalization. We call it our Three Circle approach, and our consistent application of this approach over 30 years has created a proven record of performance for our clients.

We buy stocks that exhibit:

  • Attractive value characteristics
  • Strong business fundamentals
  • Positive business momentum

We sell stocks based on:

  • Valuation: appreciation to price target
  • Weakening business fundamentals
  • Reversal of momentum

Learn more about our process




Our quantitative research

Serving institutions and individual investors worldwide

Serving a broad base of investors means making our strategies available in diverse ways. Through our WPG Partners and Private Wealth divisions, and our subadvisory relationships at John Hancock Investment Management and Robeco, we offer a full range of wealth and asset management solutions.

WPG Partners Logo

Separate accounts

Mutual funds
UCITS funds

Canadian pooled funds
Unified managed accounts
